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Monday, July 21, 2014

Donna Bradley, “How Do I Prove My American Indian Genealogy?”

WEDNESDAY, July 30 th 

from 12 noon to 2 p.m.

At Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library (365 F Street) Auditorium
Donna Bradley: “How Do I Prove My American Indian Genealogy?”

Donna has been asked to come back and share more information with our members.
Yes, she has been here before.

She has written, Native Americans of San Diego County it was published in 2009.  She hopes to have her next book out some time in 2014.  

Donna is an Honored Member of “The Worldwide Who’s Who
Registry of Executives, Professionals and Entrepreneurs” as a business owner, author and professional genealogist.

Please join us for a great time.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

5,000 White Slaves, Authorized in 1618

A quote from  page xi states: Kidnapping of children bound for America can be traced to a letter
dated  13 Jan 1618, from James 1, King of England, to Sir Thomas Smythe,  Governor of the
East Indies Company.

"Whereas our court hath of late been troubled by idle young people having no employment, we have thought fit to have you send them away to Virginia, that they may be set to work there, wherein
you shall do a deed of charity by employing them who otherwise will never be reclaimed from the idle life of vagabonds."(10)

19 August 1618 was the first ship of 100 boys and girls be sent to Virginia.  The constables were to walk the streets and collect them as they saw fit. Records say 75 boys and 25 "wenchs" were sent to Virginia. The three reported ships were: the Jonathan, the George, and the Neptune.

Seeing that this is immediately after the people for Roanoke were abandoned, I wonder, are these children of some of the adults whom disappeared,  or maybe family members of some of those now gone.

20  April 1619 another ship left with 100 from London and only about eighty survived.

The rules then got tougher and meaner. After a massacre at Jamestown and epidemic more children were brought to replace those lost to battle and disease. 1622.

The English Civil War brought the Scottish and then later it brought the Irish the same way by boat loads to the American colonies. After battles they salvaged the non dead and to weak and sent them in bondage to the colonies against their will. 150 went to New England and 900 went to Virginia.  1650 and then 1651 even more from other battles in England with the Scot's were shipped. The records say 8,000 to New England, Bermuda and Barbabados.

Cromwell's invasion of Ireland gave them 400 children from Ireland to be shipped to New England and Virginia. Sept 1653.

So remember whites were slaves also.  This book I purchased last spring gives names of persons, owners and dates of events taking place.  An Indenture is someone with a contract to pay their way. They were not part of this, that was completely different rules.

The Lost Colony Blog has dates, names and data of the people involved.  There is the Hattaras Group and the Lost Colony Group.  Remember white slaves were seen working the fields when the Captain of Jamestown was out looking in the neighborhood.

I am also curious about the data found on the river going up towards Virginia instead of down or inward. Since my names come from about where that water way ends.

Lost Colony Research Group  click here and scroll down on the right side for the list of names involved
in this adventure.

My Paine/Payne were in Halifax region early from ? my Scott the same way.  I also wonder if the Berry here and Jamestown and Mass are the same Berry families.

Remembering this book has 5,000 names of white slave children that most became citizens of the Colony.

Without Indentures: Index to White Slave Children in Colonial Court Records  
It covers Maryland and Virginia.
There are references to find names of those in New England in the book.

Written by Richard HAYES PHILLIPS, Ph. D.

Printed Genealogical Publishing Company.2013

Payne, Paines, in the book Scott in the book very well laid out and easy to follow.  Here in may lay your brick wall.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pamphlets, Quarterlies and Magazines in Research Wed 6 to 8 pm

We will discuss the often forgotten but vital records that are found in pamphlets, quarterlies and magazines.

In the early years of genealogy, societies reprinted approved information to pass on to others in what is today called Quarterlies.  They are generally printed four times a year.  It was to share and entice you to learn more about the books available to you.  Books by far still hold the key to one's research.

It is with great sadness I see many Libraries removing these soft backed books from their files, thinking? there of little use. Many times these books carry more information than many other books on their shelves.

They need bound together with a firm back for each year produced.  Then they would have a solid back and not have to worry about falling apart. I personally have seen very few fall apart with intense
use.  Our librarian Bernice Heiter did this for us for a long time. This preserves all four in one binder and information can be retained.

Pamphlets are created when special events happen and data many times is highlighted and shown on them for people to utilize.  There was a time when a speakers hand out was automatically put in the file for a person to read when researching for information.  Handouts at monthly meetings qualify for this area. Seminar hand outs also qualify. Have you ever read a Syllabus from the Pasadena Jamboree?

Magazines, of course we know magazines have information for us to utilize. New England Historical Genealogical Society's monthly is excellent, Family Tree magazine, National Genealogical Society Magazine, etc.  Many ethnic societies have magazines filled with information that we can and should be looking at.

Ethnic magazines may hold more clues for you than normal if your stuck. Many Surnames crossed over in ethnicity.  O yes, they did.  When doing One Name Studies you can learn that the name in German and English and Dutch and Swiss can be same or different. Some names change dramatically in migration, sometimes deliberately some times not planned.

Come enjoy the friendship of other genealogists and share information  6 to 8 pm Wednesday 16 July 2014 at the Lemon Grove Library.  3001 School Lane, Lemon Grove, CA across from the fire department.

Park in the school parking lot if no room out front.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Michigan Research Magnified.

Here is a picture of the Michigan State Library and Archives and Museum.

I love going to this site for learning information on Michigan and eastern coast states.

Having been one of those that wrote to ask them to keep it open I am most grateful.





For San Diego Residents
LDS has available these topics and  lists of books in Mission Valley, CA.

Biography 8, Almanac 1, Cemeteries 2, Census  4,
Church history 3, Directories 3, Emigration 1, Gazetteer 1, Genealogy 5, History 19, Immigration 5,   

Indians 1, Maps 9,
Migration 2, Military 7, Periodicals 13, Schools 3,  Surnames 1, Vital Records 2.

I did not do a survey of the microfilms these are only reflecting the amount of book information is available for your researching. Nor am I mentioning the Microfish available for research.  

Remember the  bulk of information is written and not on the internet.

Use books more for answers.

Michigan Genealogical Council  
c/o P.O. Box 80953 
Lansing, MI 48908-0953

Use the favorite sources you use for other places for Michigan Research. Do not forget to use google.com and 
findagrave.com., rootsweb.org is also still alive just attached to Ancestry.  Their lists are awesome for use.

A favorite place to go. The service and people are awesome both at our local FHC or Michigan State Archives.  

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Ohio Research Sources and Clues

The information gathered here in shows some of the sources that  can be found at the Mission Valley LDS Library and other Libraries. It also shows some places to research on line and should help
expand your research knowledge.

Ohio Research is much like most of our states. 
It is not a Commonwealth.
Most of their set up and rules follows the basics set by previous states.

They do not have a Prothonotary Office as Pennsylvania does. Those records stand alone.

The Prothonotary is the Chief Clerk and Recordkeeper for all filings related to Civil Cases. The Office is located in the County Courthouse.

There are many great resources for this state. I am a member of the OGS. Ohio Genealogical Society. They are very helpful, courteous and generous with their assistance. 

Ohio has 88 Counties, if I counted correctly. 

The LDS Library in Mission Valley has some very interesting books to help Ohioans find their families.8
Having gone through the card catalogue I found approximately 200 books on file for you to look at and gain information.

Starting with this one.

Ohio archives. County by county in Ohio genealogy   PETA 977.1. A3k

Cards on file

6 Archives, 1Atlas, 12 Biography, 1 Cemetery rec,  11 Census, 3 Vital Rec, 4 Church Records, 2 Court Rec,
1 Death Rec,   Ohio Crossroads of Our Nation. V 39  complete, 4 Directories, 3 Emigration,

Genealogy 15, Genealogy Sources 10, Gov 3, History  25, Immigration 8, Indians 1, Inventory 4,
Land Records 3, L n P 973,0 R2s. v.1,    14;
Maps 22,  Migration 975.55 W2e. V 1, 30,

 Newspapers. 2, Periodicals  24,  Pioneer Women 2, Probate Records 2, Societies 1, Surnames  1,  
 Taxes 3, Vital Records 26
Last card was this one which is for Westmoreland Co. PA. 

Ohio vital records 974.881 V2fiv.1 Westmoreland  Co   M & D. 1818- 1865.   Iscrupe, W & Della R Fischer
M & D from weekly paper 314 p index




Name Search   ohio public records

The state of Ohio has a total of 88 counties. Adams County was the first county established in the state. It was established on July 10th, 1797.

MANY of your urls for general research can be applied to Ohio. Find A Grave, Dead Fred, Genealogy.com ( do not forget to  go in and leave your current email before they close the communication part of this site).

Friday, July 11, 2014

Michigan Information


MiGenWeb  replaces usgenweb.org for Michigan.





very important to read and learn

This site is as awesome as the one in Indiana.

Census Records 
1820,30, 50, 70, 80, records on line.
1836 Ottawa and Chippewa Mixed Breed Census.
Military Census separately listed below.
County clerks, family search labs, GENDIS,  (deaths for 1867 to 1897), Cemeteries, Tombstone project, etc.
Seeking Michigan   1897 to 1920 death returns
Dibean  Marriage Index links to all counties.
Family Search  Search Labs  1867 to 1920   state marriage returns.

Vitals covering many sites for research   

Land and Maps area  7 sources

  http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/ Land Patents available.*

Directories, Naturalizations and Immigration
 School Records

County HIstories, Google book search, Newspapers by county, Poorhouses, Place names /past and present, Skeletons in Michigan's Closets.

University of Michigan has a searchable collection of county histories on line.


Michigan Archivist.  a very helpful knowledged Archivist.

Million Short A new search engine. It covers more obscure web pages.

You can learn more by coming to the talk at the Bonita Sunnyside Library  12 July 2014
12:30 to 3:30 pm

We are covering other states also. Ohio and Indiana and New York.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Pennsylvania Research, Lancaster, Berks, Dauphin, York and Cumberland tidbits.

Rambling around, arousing more questions than answers, I located some neat places for researchers to look at when researching.

1. Knowing the history of the region in this state and most states is critical due to the way they developed early.

2.  Becoming confused by records that stated Lancaster Co., Berks Co., Dauphin Co. having reread the history of the area it suddenly became clear.  Sure clear like  muddy waters.

3.  The area was Lancaster and as portions splintered off to develop new areas. Some people wrote the new name some used the old name.  It took me days to figure out this confusion.

Thinking, it made sense after bit.  News traveled by word of mouth, very early newspapers and letters or documents.  So a document could be drawn up saying Lancaster Co. but really have happened in the new designated name of Berks County.  The same happened for Dauphin County who also splintered away from Lancaster County. Of course Cumberland County was of same situation and Perry County splintered from it. York County also falls into this same situation. That county later splitting into Adams and York Counties. The splits go on in each state as it was developed.

Looking for records you have a few choices, and I suspect before I am finished there will be many more.

 I suggest you start with usgenweb.org and then move to the Pennsylvania Archives.

State Archives - Home

PA State Archives - RG-17 - Warrantee Township Maps - Interface Page 1
 Under this site you can access maps of the region.

Land Records - Home

PA State Archives - RG-17 - Warrant Register Images - Main Interface: All Counties

Very Important information on this page above about irregularities.
 Many other records here and available for each county.

Then try the http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/institutions/py8/titles/
more data here for Dauphin Co. PA. But it covers all areas.

Sign into Family Search. Look for Records, Genealogies, Catalog, Books and WIKI
They also have the massive Family Tree, Memories and Search ( feature I use often) and Indexing which I did do for 1940 census.
Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994 Image Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994; pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-28757-7132-21 — FamilySearch.org

Free Genealogy Search Engine Genealogy In Time ,
Million Short A new search engine. It covers more obscure web pages.

Want a paid site try joining the Genealogical Society of  Pennsylvania.

$45.  a year  look on line and see if they may have the information your looking for.

First Families, Home, News & Events, Publications, Resources and Partners Program.
They break the state into 6 parts for research.

Ancestry.com, do not forget rootsweb.com which is affiliated with Ancestry but free to use.
Thanks to GenealogyInTime for providing this link to the Top 100 Most Popular Genealogy Websites for 2012

Top 100 Most Popular Genealogy Websites (page 3)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Reporting and Repeating Information Today

Today as I am wandering through the mail I found two very good pieces of information.

Being that we do not meet again for another week and wanting to share, this is the place.

Though this is brief, take the time and go read both of these pieces of information.

For old time researchers, the hint given can save us hours of grief with Genealogy.com going
away and you may have posted notices and queries there.  No it is not leaving but it will no
longer be active. Thankfully they are saving the data and if you respond to it,  (Getting the last word in)
a link to information that may be needed in the future.

This was sent to  me by Judy Russell.  Please read      Getting the last word in

She states we have 85 days to act upon this, her comment, and save ourselves grieve in the future,
my comment.

This is one of the reasons I stayed with aol.com so long. I had all of 20 years of data posted under my SusiCP@aol.com name and I will be shutting it down soon. I can be reached at SusiCP@cox.net or SusiCP1@gmail.com.

The other article was written by James Tanner.  It reinforced what I just sent to my cousin in regards to our research.

Where is the Mother?   This is not the 23rd Century where they may never know.

Sometimes we forget the very basic's of basics.

Genealogy's Star: Six of the Basic Rules of Genealogy

Did our ancestor forget to say he was raised by a stepmother, was that why he was adamant that
Betsey Blessinger was his MOM?