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Monday, December 18, 2017


GREETINGS, to all.

 I hope you did a Xmas letter and shared especially with the younger generations.
Surely you have many younger kin that really do not know much about their families
past or know of their extended relatives.

We live so far apart any more even if we live next door almost compared to a 100 years ago.

Ever so often people post these games to play on Facebook.  They are quizzes about your life.

I save them because they remind me of so many things that we never think to talk about with our grandchildren. Others also for that matter.

Our cultures are more diverse and some are melding some are strictly apart.

My neighbor said to me : "it never snowed here."  Wrong I say, we made a mini snow man put him in the freezer for when DAD got  home to see it." He had shrunk down a couple inches from when we put him in freezer but Dad got to see it.  Yes since 1970 we have had snow here.

Even more fun on the 15th floor looking down on the rim around the building I worked in it had a lace collar of snow. The street had water below the 13 floor.  Streets to warm it melded on contact.

So share the memories to broaden their horizons for the future and about the past.

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