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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wednesday is Research Day

See you all at the library WED 6 pm. IF want can break a bit early to have you home in time to watch the TV program on Genealogy.

Do not forget Monday and Wednesday and Friday all have Genealogy on TV this week.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Faces of America 24 Feb 2010

Did you get the chance to watch this program tonight? Did you learn of the connection between two of the attendees. Do you remember how far back the one genealogy went?

Here is hoping it helped all to learn we are all a bit of everyone and we need to be
open in mind and thought about the human race.

How lucky those people were that the data found was so ancient and so well documented.

Yes we can, find much like that in doing our research, it takes patience and perseverance to accomplish.

I loved best the idea you could procure the data to share with a society or group of people to help enhance the desire to learn about ones past through lives of their ancestors.

Margaret Lewis and CVGS Meeting 24 Feb 2010

We were privileged to have Margaret Lewis as our speaker and her topic was
She showed us that name spelling is not relevant in research in the manner one would expect. She had documents, yes official documents with duel spellings of the name on same paper. She presented this in more than one case or name.
She shared naming patterns that tend to be accurate in most research in America, though not all.
She discussed the use of our Chamber of Commerce which I also mentioned in January that so many tend to forget. She gave the example of what she garnered by using the Commerce for contact in her research.
She showed how the term Colonel can some times mean only a southern gentleman not a man of military office.

Her charts were easy to follow and she really had lots of people asking very good questions. Such as "What is a Delayed Birth Certificate?" Which she explained is a document issued by the state after the fact of birth. She related her family member needed one and they had to get friends, neighbors to verify that the incident happened on that date at that time and they were there. (My father needed one when Social Security took effect and he was in his 30's.)

She talked about sharing her time at the LDS Library in Mission Valley on Thursday evenings. She mentioned various trips to learn about family and the discrepancies that constantly kept showing up that had to be resolved, ie naming confusion, from first last name to only initials to mixed first name middle initials and last name. One ancestor she had, showed 6 different names for all the same person.

She stressed to never ignore a name that may fit the family. To look at the neighbor names on the census or documents because some times that is the answer to the confusion.

At times the information is more important in telling you the answers than the name you may be looking for. If the information looks right, it very possibly is correct.

Margaret thanks for such a well presented topic.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Wdnesday's Program Chula Vista Library "Margaret LEWIS"

The February 24th Program Meeting of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society features a presentation by Margaret Lewis titled “Wrong Name, Right Man – Right Name, Wrong Man.” The meeting is from 12 noon until 2 p.m. in the Chula Vista Civic Center Library Auditorium (365 F Street in downtown Chula Vista).

Our February program concerns names and their variations. Genealogists often disregard valid information for an ancestor because of the way a given name or surname is spelled. Surnames were spelled by literate record takers primarily by sound, and the spelling of a particular name would vary depending on who was speaking and who was translating the sound into written form. Record takers would spell names as they heard them. In this talk, African-American names, Native American names, Hispanic names, translated or abbreviated names, first and middle names, senior and junior, nicknames, initials for names and traditional naming patterns will be discussed.

Margaret Lewis is the Vice President of the San Diego African American Genealogy Research Group (SDAAGRG). She is a compelling and influential voice in the genealogy community and advocates for the study of Family History. Her genealogical specialty is in Military and Slave Research. She is known for her boundless enthusiasm, and has provided genealogical workshops and presentations in California, Arizona and Nevada.

Her love for genealogy is expressed through her many published articles, and a family poem “Ancestral Roll Call.” Margaret volunteers as a contributor to the Find-A-Grave web site transcribing obituaries and family photos. She is also a consultant at the San Diego Family History Center on Thursday evenings as a Consultant on African-American Genealogy.

Margaret was honored with an “Outstanding Community Service Award” by the Lambda Kappa Mu Sorority, Alpha Gamma Chapter, for her contributions to African-American Genealogy Research. She is a certified member of the International Society of Sons and Daughters of Slaves Ancestry and the Daughters of the Union Veterans Nancy Hanks Lincoln Tent #5, and a member of the Ninth and Tenth Horse Cavalry Association of the Buffalo Soldiers.

Please enter the auditorium through the conference room door (on the east hallway at the library) in order to register your presence, pick up a handout, buy an opportunity drawing ticket, and have a snack before the meeting. Refreshments will be available after the meeting in the Conference Room.

For more information about this program, or about the Chula Vista Genealogical Society, please contact Barbara (email baribai@cox.net, phone 619-477-4140.

Compliments of Randy Seaver's notice.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

52 Weeks Challange 8 online maps collections

Hi everyone I use maps extensively in my research. I use online maps when available.

The usgenweb.org site has many maps of various regions to be used with research in times past eras. Kentucky has a great one where it rotates through the development of the state via years. I have used some from Virginia also.

I also use maps that are printed by the government and private individuals. Dr. Hively has done a great service for those searching in York Co. PA.

I have no luck with google maps and I just tried them again today.

It was Dr Schweitzer that started my use of maps extensively. I love the use of a travel map and pins put for each name in a specific color and then you can see where the lines link up generally. It also helps you when data missing to know where you should be looking for missing data.

Alas most of my map sites are on the old aol platform and when we upgraded in December I have trouble attempting to retrieve them easily. It is the project my friend and I are working on now. But I am a major user of usgenweb sites and the maps they recommend.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Genealogy Societies and Why to Join them

A topic near and dear to my heart and mind. I am forever trying to convince people that a society is your next best friend if you do research in genealogy.

I will say I have heard some pretty sad stories from people across the US regarding the state of some societies and the non caring of helping their members. Now that indicates to me why some are failing. But let us look on the bright side.

Let us say you live at least 20 miles from a library and a society and you do not feel it worth being a member. You feel you never gain anything from them to help you.

Well, what have you done to help them? I find the more I help others the more knowledge I gain and the more information I have to share with others. That information is no good to me if I can not help others with it. I am not that big of an ID. Yes I apply that data to my research but why keep it to myself. One never knows when what you share may be the light bulb going on to help someone else. Many times even if I have read it before or heard it before someone else at that event may say it a bit different and then I know what I need to address in my research.

A societies benefits are varied. Let us start with fellow members in arms, then topics we all can share to assist us given by the society, newsletter, maybe a quarterly pamphlet, Yearbook of all members, (why so you can find whom else may be searching your same kin), Surname files, queries asked and answered, personal help on a specific problem in your research, computer knowledge shared at many societies today, knowledge learned about which program is best for your needs. Almost sure each society has a five generation surname chart filled out by their members for people to scan through, some even have this data up on line.

The speakers that may be brought in or knowledge shared by fellow members is always worthwhile and interesting and can be applied to your own research situations.

As genealogists we have learned to adapt to the changes brought about over the many
many years of research. Changes are many in the last 20 years and many more are coming
best place to learn about them is at your local or near local society.

Yes, you should join the society where you are doing the bulk of your research. You have many benefits by being a member. I helped one of my favorite societies to come up to speed into the modern world by acquiring a computer. They now have a web page.
That helps everyone.

I have to say I am a staunch supporter of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society and helped to co found it long ago. I was not active when it was finally completed but sat through many meetings to get us up and running in the 1980's. I went back to work and could only pop in once in awhile for a few more years.

I think of the 8 to 12 people who started it and today we have over 100 members again.
When I was President we also had a high number, My Huffman cousin was President a bit before me and that was so cool. Another learned cousin was President after me.

It is amazing the things one can learn and enjoy by being a member. It just could be they are setting there waiting for the push to be more involved. Anyone young or old can be a viable help to a society.

I am a member of the New England Historical Genealogical Society, Ohio Genealogy Society, Genealogical Society of Southwest Pennsylvania ,Washington Co. PA, Cornerstone Genealogical Society in Greene Co.PA, San Diego Genealogical Society and others. I have belonged to NGS the National Organization, Berkeley Co, VA society, Berks Co PA society, Also some that have folded, German Research Group of San Diego is no more, great group but run out of helpers.

I am looking forward to rejoining one national one that melded with another society creating a new organization.

I also recommend you rotate your membership if you have resolved problems in one area move the association with a new society to the area you are now researching.

Alas I have so much family from Washington, Greene and Fayette Co., PA I may never been done with them.

Let me share with you what Cornerstone Genealogy Society did for me, as a new member that lives in California many years ago and yet. I had belonged for a year or so and met many new cousins just from query's in the quarterly I received. I decided to go visit them and many new found cousins. I had already paid them to do some research to confirm some data before I came. The lady who did the research met me for breakfast my first day there. She gave me the names of various peoples in the town that could help me in my research in Waynesburg, PA. She also gave me names and addresses of other cousins I was not aware of. When I arrived at the library which they knew when I was coming, they had laid out 20 books for me to go through to find answers to the many questions I had asked them about. I will never forget their generosity and helpfulness.

It freed up my time to hunt for other books. I was able to get more data than I would have had time for if I had not talked to them ahead of time. They had copied the cards with surnames on it of other researches looking for my names. I spent several days in that library and at various cousins homes sharing family stories and events and comparing information and family knowledge.

I learned my Uncle had a twin as a distant cousin there named Jacob Huffman. My Aunt Mae now deceased also had a twin from another siblings line from Henry and Elizabeth Huffman Hoffman. We used many of the same words and terms when talking yet my family had left there by 1870s to IOWA. My Great Grandfather had gone back several times and my Grandfather went once as a 5 year old before he started school. Sanford I never learned if he got back even for his parents funerals. So we had hand written letters shared and not even phone calls until I came along. My Grandfather had migrated on to Wyoming where MOM was born so it was really amazing to see so much the same yet different. We definitely were related.

Join a society even if it's at a distance and learn as much as you can about the place and times they lived. It helps us also to grow in knowledge of ourselves.

O yes, if no Genealogical Society try a Historical Society that is what I had to do in
New York.

Resources for your use


She makes and creates charts for genealogical work.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

FOULK Family Missing


My Grandmother was a Foulk descendant from JOHN FOLK dcd 1793 Greenwich twp,Berks Co., PA. She had several siblings and I am just learning more about her Aunt's and Uncle's.

This family was born and raised in Iowa and Minn then lived in Wyoming as adults.

Children were: Grandma (Ida) Victoria Mae Foulk JONES NORRIS, Arthur (G Uncle Dick), Belva (Mrs Earnest Rice, Claude Oliver, Blanche, Ira E, Alvina (Mrs. Willis Kerns), and Herbert, (Great Uncle Herb)

I would love to find the children of Great Uncle Ira E Foulk but the cherished memories I get when I take out Great Aunt Alvina's album is priceless, which Dad inherited and passed on to me.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Burbank Jamboree

Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 22:28:55 -0800
Subject: [CA-SCGS] We Can't Keep the Secret Any Longer...

?it?s time to reveal the name of the keynote speaker for Jamboree?s
Friday Night Banquet.

Chris Haley, actor, musician, genealogist, and nephew of Roots
author Alex Haley, will talk about how genealogy has changed and yet
remained the same over the years. His presentation, ?My Genealogy:
Now and Then? will include family photos, documents, music and
thoughts on Chris? dual African and Scottish heritage. The story of
his genetic discovery and reunion with relatives from the British
Isles was covered in innumerable news outlets and is featured on
Ancestry.com?s introductory DNA page.

You can be sure that it will be an entertaining, educational and
engaging presentation.

As an extra-special treat, banquet guests will have an opportunity
to win an autographed, first-edition copy of Roots.

Register for Jamboree, including the banquet, at the SCGS website.
Jamboree will be held June 11-13, 2010, at the Los Angeles Marriot
Burbank Hotel.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cold Calling is a useful Tool.

I recently gave a talk and many people asked me about the term "Cold Calling"
that I used.

It is a simple method of using a telephone and I do same on emails & lists today;
You go to the phone book in region your doing research you pick out the surnames
you are researching in that area. You take their information and you one by one
contact them for any information they may have on your family.

It is another form of Surname lists. But I watch for surnames in all posts
whether it be on a Roots list, Face Book, Ancestry, Rootsweb or in a society roster.

Doing this method may garner you far more information than you imagine.

In doing this make sure you have data in front of you to share with receiver,

if they are potential kin.

Do not make it in depth but have it so the information is understandable in
none genealogical terms.

In small towns I have called the Chamber of Commerce for suggestions on where
to learn information and they have been very helpful telling a person which
group will potentially have more data for you to seek. They can also many
times tell you names of people whom you may want to speak to regarding
information at this facilities.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lemon Grove Meeting 3 Feb

We had a great group come to our event last evening. With the diverse background of our group many times we can share knowledge, appreciate it and pass out even more knowledge regarding changes in our world and how it affects our research abilities. We had many success stories last night and some with a complete reverse from what grandparents had said. But the links were found and the data has been great for them to fill in the blanks. For some of our newer members I shared a 5 Generation Chart with them and a Family Group Sheet to become familiar with and fill out for next meeting.
We still have a lost Andersonville Prison ancestor. We still have a ships captain that
family thinks was commandeered to work for the War. A letter's reference left more questions than answers. We need advise on how to even find information on what the government did when a ship or boat may have been needed. I suspect it was commandeered and they may have even let him stay as Captain, since he would know his boat the best.
One member is finally closer to proving his case to the government. His Mom's birth certificate says born in Chicago Ill. Alas later some one said she was born in Canada thereby causing major problems. Everyone comes with interesting situations, some times it takes us awhile but we generally find the answers or where to go to learn more information.

The next meeting we will have a talk on Genealogy in the Future, regarding changes we can be familiar with, how we can protect our selves from loosing some of the data no longer being made available to us.