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Friday, September 15, 2023



        Randy's  on Wednesday was a  major event for many,  I suspect. Having been requesting 

genealogists to share data  all the time I have done genealogy and that has been at least 50 years.

Yes Mom indoctrinated me in as a youth.  Then First born near death and I had to cold call my in -laws

I had yet to meet and ask serious medical questions. Husband in situation he could not be reached.


       I learned quickly they were awesome and the news they gave me helped to save our child.

Many years later we found Mom's line and theirs interlinked, 60 yrs later.  I believe it was third cousins

a way back shared kin.  BROWN.  

        At the meeting some members who've never attended any of my classes,  shared places and names 

 about areas I have researched and some been to with kin in.  Another now deceased member Virginia 

Taylor shared some of this area with me years ago..  She was also a cousin we learned about ten years 

before her leaving us.  

          Having also worked for the Golden Gate Forum by George Ferguson on AOL, having covered the 

Mid-Atlantic region for nearly 10 years for them. Yes,  my shelves have more information also.   

Much of my Mothers lines came from Maryland, Old Virginia and Pennsylvania.  

         I went to Pennsylvania in 1994. Spent two weeks with family kin that were as awesome as what

my Grandfather had always told me. His request to me was  <go to Greene Co. PA and meet, our family.>.

        Anxiously await to hear from new faces that I am sure one may link to mine.  One Guest did 

not share the name only the area.  That does not make genealogy grow.   The information is helpful

but having learned from some of the best Genealogists around, sharing is so vital to finding the "lost name 

in the plethora of names, places and times of the past."       An example is Pennsylvania's boundary 

changes over the years of development.  The government changed also over a period of time. The

 southwest region of the state was claimed by Virginia and changed in 1780's.  Also the same applied to

Maryland, they claimed about 50 miles up into Pennsylvania,  verses Pennsylvania claimed into . ,

 Maryland.  This being the reason for the Mason - Dixie Line which was done more than once to 

make all happier.

      Ohio was part of the early package on the west.  Much of my kin were in all three regions early. Of 

course , the government was expanding. originally Virginia claimed to the Mississippi River, and north to

 Iowa region etc..  More to follow just wish more attended classes.

Monday, September 11, 2023



 For some days now, I have been trying to deal with some very important information regarding 

Dad's family.  I thought all of Dad's siblings were aware of this family information regarding a

situation.  Sort of strange because Aunt Bethel knew, Uncle Gerald knew, always thought the closeness 

of  Bethel and Muriel, that A Muriel knew.  For their older sister to not know has left me nWe, I thought

were close.  No I was in HI when she passed I think.  Maybe she didn't think it important for 

children to know.. 

  Dad being the oldest witness this situation several times.  Our Grandparents divorced.  We all knew this.

I got a IN YOUR FACE EDUCATION by my Grandma and my Dad around midnight the week of my


   This started as topic about Dad and his siblings past,   Mom said.  I can tell you now it was the best 

thing to happen between, Gmom  and Dad. Much healing in his heart and hers came about and I saw it.

I am not going to post the whole story here, but some cousins need to be made aware that some things 

weren't as they seemed.  They missed getting to know a Grandfather with a college background, sent

to France to be a Chef.  He told me he married the woman he wanted to and would love her til death

took them away. That statement made July 1958 in Casper, Wyo. by him to our family. He never wanted 

the divorce.

  We found him with family help  and friends help in 1952.  He was in Casper Wyo. sick with pneumonia.

Something we learned he got to often.  He came to visit us and stayed for a period of time.  I thought

Aunt Etta had the boys over but many times when company come they were to busy. to tell family hi.

He would catch little Lucky's tears when he had a fit and say grabbing a glass, cup, jar , what ever was handy and put it up to his face. "We can't let them steers get away."  Lucky would immediately stop his tantrum or unhappiness,.It did not matter which. HE just stopped and looked at Grandpa.  What a clever 

thing for him to do.  He taught Mom to put some pineapple juice in Navy beans to remove the gas.  I still do it and it really cuts gas reaction. He taught us other neat things about being in the kitchen.O yes, never put lid on beans it keeps gas in system. Almost forgot that one.  He shared many hints with us.

He could make a leg of lamb be the tastiest piece of meat ever created.  I never could duplicate it.

We saw him last the same year 1958 in Casper when he again had pneumonia very very bad .

He cried when he told me about the divorce.  He never blamed Ida.  But he put much information 

about his Mother in Law as part of issue.  When he and Dad explained situation I could feel the pain.

He didn't dislike her either but some things allowed were not proper.   This so helped Dad and I to

 understand things better.  She Gmom did as taught not as appropriate for others.  

I was thrilled Dad could finally talk nice things about his Mom.  He did love her underneath.

She stayed I think with all her children in her last years and she lived in my home in Coronado in the

1966-7 time period.  Later in this house for 6 months after we bought and had come back from HI. 1970

Aunt Jennie was very ill with cancer and she rotated to Uncle Gerald's (Jerry) and here per stress

and be here as her son needed her support.

I can not talk of some of the past but Aunt Bethel,  suffered much as others did.  She told me many times 

her Dad never hurt any of them and tried to help often but she (G) was upset and did not want the children to have any help but hers even when Bethel had no shoes and Etta no coat in 33 degree weather. Which.. caused Dad to dislike the pain his siblings had to endure.   I was  glad Dad and her were on decent terms

when she passed.  He truly felt bad at all they missed due to attitude.  Yes by more than one I suspect it was affecting all.

Sometimes pride can harm the best of Situations.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

August , September and November data October not yet received.

 My Report for August event and September Event and November Event

 November  Event ,Time to be Thankful—What or whom are you most thankful regarding your Ancestors?

Please I wish all Members to attend and share this experience with others.   November is the Thankful Month we should taking advantage of the thoughts it brings up in ones research.  Please do attend 21 November.  1 to 3 pm Bonita Sunnyside Library.

August Event was written up and sent : due to turning the floor over to our President for her goals for October..
I post often. We started this blog in Lemon Grove years ago. Always find data here or information to ponder. 

My other blog is family related.  My cousin and I have two sites for sources on our lineage which I will share next month. 

This month for September we will continue to do as our by laws say to help each other to move forward in our research.  I will be bringing books and possibly the Charts from our  CVL library to go over.

It is always fun to find new links and more information.  Someone on Facebook Ohio Genealogical Site asked this question.  What was some of the titles or jobs that your ancestors did?  I answered my Uncle and my Grandfather,  his DAD had a side job of Bee Keepers and sold honey for many, many years.  The writer had never heard of a Bee Keeper before. 

I am awaiting word from President as to the October events title etc for the posters we  put out at the Library and 
Historical Society.

Susi Pentico
Educational Chairperson
SusiCP1@gmail.com 619 623 5250


Friday, September 8, 2023

TVGS--News Spreading the Word


We are spreading the word as requested.   I think it would be fun to go if the world is ok.

It won't copy so writing it out

Hello Chula Vista Genealogical Society,

The Temecula Valley Genealogical Society will be celebrating their 25th Anniversary with a grand Open House on Saturday, October 7, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Ron H Roberts Temecula Public Library. 30600 Pauba Rd. Temecula 92592. We sincerely hope you and your members will join us for this special occasion.

Many national lineage societies and genealogical interest groups will be participating with displays and activities which will educate and inspire visitors.  For those who would like to begin building their own family tree, members from the TVGS Family History Research Assistance Team will be there with their computers to help.  It should be an informative and fun day for all.

Susan Puma

TVGS President



Hello Chula Vista Genealogical Society,

The Temecula Valley Genealogical Society will be celebrating their 25th Anniversary with a  grand
Open House on Saturday, October 7, 2023 from 10: 00 a. m. to 2:00 p/m/ at the Ron H Roberts
Temecula Public Library , 30600 Paula Rd. Temecula, Ca 92592.   We sincerely hope you and your members will join us for this special occasion.

Many national lineage societies and genealogical interest groups will be participating with displays 
and activities which will educate and inspire visitors.. For those who wold like to begin building their
own family tree, members from the TVGS Family History Research Assistance Team will be there 
with their computers to help.  It should be an informative and fun day for all.

Susan Puma
TVGS President

Monday, September 4, 2023

Our American Beginnings Everyone is Forgetting.


Our American Beginnings Everyone is Forgetting

The first oppressed people were the Indians that greeted us and helped us to survive. Still today they are not given the recognition they deserve and yes some did not deserve much recognition. Our Negroid race are fabulous people. But for reparations they need to seek it from Holland or Netherlands. They are the ones who bought those as slaves and sent them all over to make money and to cut back on the internal fighting that was upsetting their goals. In Africa, I do not think many have studied our past history especially of the world. WE do not owe the black??? enslaved people the Netherlands did it they owe us all something. Those who were shipped here were truly saved from a slavery they did not even precive . We in turned saved them from what those left behind has had to survive to live through. Many tribes did not survive these major upheavels in Africa. I read the paper today and they still are squabbling instead of attempting to work together and change everyones lives there. Amazing how beautiful this place must have been. Granted after early people bought slaves some were very mean and ugly but many were not mean or ugly. They were taken care of far better than those left behind. DO SOME HOMEWORK.

 Another thing is very few of us if any, are not not of a form of a mixed race. Formost I am an American but of many past descendants. Have you studied history? Do you realize how many countries the first people's kin migrated through and how the family changed constantly. Do you have any idea how many centuries we are have been hanging around? Have you done your CRI Genetics and learned more about your past, not your names but heritage? The last two thousand years has been semi well recorded. I have lived long enough to say massive major changes. Hurray the Negroid race has been recognized. 

The Indians still on Reservations and told what they can or can not do. Todays news said Negroid people were being recognized shame on them as journalists they did not do their homework Remebering if they, Indians hadn't helped the early Europeans we may not have survived to today. I can say I am proud to be part of many nations in my past including 3 tribes at least of Indians. I still have one I am looking for in Indian heritage. I am who I am and you are who you allowed yourselves to be. No one can make you be different. I know many well recived people that heritage came out of Africa. Most all can succeed if they try hard and our fellow man steps up and realizes we are all human beings. So far we have not found a a Martian or Venusian or other out of this world people here. 

All can move forward if they have manners, and earn others respect and do unto others as you wish done onto you. Having read the records of how Teague JONES was treated by the Mayflower people and then the Judge pardoned him for his deeds done which Judge said was appropriate due to the methods treated by them. Many quickly went to Rhode Island and north to Novia Scotia.

 We have a very mixed past and no one was perfect. Enjoy reading the National Geographic Magazine, The Archeology Magazine, Many books in History Section of Various Libraries throughout the USA. History abouds all about us. You have to keep your ears open and your eyes to see what is really around you. Not just what you perceive. I could not decide if I wanted Archeology or Teacher or Write as I graduated from HIgh School. I never took my finger off the three of them. Data talked about above was located in various books over eons of my lifetime.

 My latest read was The American Heritage Book of Indians, Dell Publishing Co. Inc., Copyrighted 1961 by American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc. 9th printing 1974. Reread: Without Indentures: Index to White Slave Children in Colonial Court Records. (Maryland and Virginia) Richard Hayes Phillips, Ph. D., Copyright 2013. Genealogical Publishing Company Much in the first book seems to not fit what we are being told today,. there are several pages regarding one of our ancestors,

 Alas we need to write our own stories as we go because the ground seems to change as time moves through. WE have many Doctors, Lawyers, Congresmen, Judges, writers, Teachers, etc. that come from this early group of people. Most that were sent to slavery away from Africa were leaders in their regions and were threats to the less successful tribes or groups, Yes they were intelligent and smart, So stop selling them short or yourself. But this happened in many other areas also. 

Sunday, September 3, 2023

3 September 1938. Wheatland, Wyoming

   3 Sept 1938, Wheatland, Wyo Court House.  

    Dad took Mom down to the Court House with her. brother and others and they exchanged 

    their wedding vows.  Dad left us in 1995.   They had a good life together.  

   They lived in Wheatland, Wyo on a cattle Ranch for Morris Thomas then moved to a

   cattle ranch in Greybull, WYO.    Then the War came along and he was needed to 

   milk cows in California so they moved west almost to the Pacific Ocean about 8 

   miles away.  Living at Morelli's his brother in laws. They added Roberta Geraldine

   12 Nov 1946.  We then moved to Leo Moretti's Ranch a few miles down the road 

    and Mom had Ray Dee Jones Jr.  I started school while living there.  They had to

   drive into Petaluma for my Kindergarten class and my First grade class.  

   Dad started looking for a home for us and after many places of looking 

   we settled in a town called Valley Ford, CA.  He milked cows then at Mr. Atkinson's

    in Bloomfield.   Then he learned he could work at Hunt and Behrens ' in Petaluma.

    He retired from there many years later.  

    They had M Dale JONES in 1952 at Petaluma Hospital and our address was our 

    own in Valley Ford, Ca .  Lucky and Dale went to Valley Ford School in front of 

    our house at the end of our lane.  Sis and I were at St. Vincents, and Valley Ford 

    School and we all graduated from Tomales High School in Tomales, CA.

    She and I were in and out of St. Vincents for various years.  

      Yes, Dad and Mom bought in 1948 in Valley Ford.  I did 3rd and 4th and 5th grade

      there. Then back to St. Vincent's until I was starting my Junior year  I was able

      to come back and go to Tomales High School and graduate with my girlfriend

      Norma Jean Bordessa.  Alice Merga graduated the year before. Jane and Diane

      Beal also neighbors and friends were also at Tomales High School. I believe Jane 

      graduated with Alice.


Saturday, September 2, 2023

Cluster Research Verses Name Research

                                            Cluster Research Verses Name Research

     Census Searching and other list forms, Tax lists, etc this applies to.  

     I learned this from a well known Researcher to do, what today is called CLUSTERING.

     When you open a census page up for a surname, look for the surname also on the page before

      and after.  The chance of relatives is very great.  Especially in the 1790 to 1850 census , though

      it applies to all lists.

      You may find the names you need but save the other ones also for falling back on

       when you hit a brick wall and need to get additional Information.

       At one time we did direct line Research, which created many brick walls.

       Families lived together or near and traveled together.  Cluster Researching  only 

       makes sense.

       School Tax Lists, can be treated the same way.  Muster Rolls can also shed some  light on

       problems some times.  Tax Lists in general also.  I like to say any list of a given area 

       should at least have been scanned in this way if you are in need of information. 


      LISTS (WHO OWES) (WHO PAID).   There are many doors to open doing this.



      I CREDIT this information to: George R Schweitzer, Ph.D.. 

      When doing region research, you can cluster the region you want out of the Master 
       List the same way.

       Susi Pentico 
       Educational Chairperson 2016