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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Much Was Learned Today at DNA Class

It was very interesting to hear many comments today at the DNA Class. A few weeks ago I checked back into my Ancestry Tree page. I do not do this often. Having my data taken and recorded and sold long ago leaves me with lots of concern. Ironic had they asked I would have given permission but trying to sell me my own tree with out permission from me left me very wary. More than 30 years ago this happened. I seldom put sources up on the sites I have now for the same reason. If you want my help or knowledge ask do not just take. Many dollars were spent back then getting Census records, Deeds, Wills, and other information to make sure my tree is correct. When my research started it was with my Mother's asking me to write to family that lived not near. I there by was able to reach many older people at a very young age. We traveled to my parents area of growing up as often as we could. Wyoming, Wheatland area. From being small to at least 5"2 tall Grandad H would set me up on the haybaler and ask my cousins to do the same. It was three of us for a long time. Then more family came along and I am sure he shared with them also. My graduation present was college or go see family. I chose family thankfully for they did not live many years after my last trip to see my Grandparents, Uncle's, Aunts and cousins. At times it would even be family from Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas that came to meet us while we were there. I met Grandma's siblings but one. I met only Grandad and downline of his two siblings side. His sister had passed, his brother was in Iowa. I met Great Uncle's and Great Aunt's also from those regions. Lots of cousins, and by golly some are still around, many alas are no longer with us. Grandma Inez Scott Hoffman had two sistes and three brothers. Grandad Cecil Lee Hoffman had one sister Grace and one brother Robert. Grace died rather young, she married Daniel Scott.Gmom's bro. Brother of one side married sister of the other side. I was blessed to set on Great Uncle Daniel's knee when I was 12. My feet did not reach the floor. He told me many family stories and I keep saying I need to be able to recall them some are in my diary in trunk in closet. He was nearly 6 foot 6 as most of the Scott's were. Most of thd Hoffman's were tall also. The two famiies shortest people married by being our Grandparents on Mom's side of the tree. So by sharing this you will understand my shock to have had my Ancestry tree severally chopped and cut and told different information was accurate. I am glad I keep a Master on my computer, alas I lost some when back up drive died while I was away for a period of time with other family members in need. This reminds me of the old Family Search data of the 1950's til some changes in 1970's. Having had to tear my very old tree apart due to incorrectly given data. Most were related but not in sequences I had. I am thankful for the DNA of the world today. I first learned of DNA reading Archeology Magazine. It was great how they could take fossils of old and tell you a story about them. How many years before they had lived. What they did and how the handled life up to a point. Remembering when they found the body frozen in a Crevice and were able to remove it and they did a complete story on the person. I can not remember the year but it was after graduation from school. Thrilled that DNA can now help Doctors and medical technical people for studies and potential corrections or cures. Better yet it can live hundreds of us together just like we were taught when little. We are all one people and so wish we would work more to get together and cooperate with life. My DNA is fun and interesting. Was always told about our Indian heritage and meeting various relatives made me realize it really is true to be so mixed. Thankfully one tribe reached out to me when I learned of the connection. What an exciting experience to verify something Grandad had always said he was told was true. Since then I have found lots of imteresting links to many interesting people of various heritages. To think my Great Uncle paid for having his history traced and when he found data in the book he said he burnt it. My last year to see him we chatted about the situation. After a long chat about people he said he was sorry he had burnt it. That line I am still seeking. One day I may find a Foulk that would be of the right group to do a DNA test. Grandma and all her siblings are gone. Dad's Mom was a Foulk. I have found kin on Dad's side of his father's family for DNA. Better yet we now have Doctors asking for us to do DNA to help prevent ailments and correct situations before they get out of hand. So do your DNA both sides and types. It may save a grandchild or sibling much grief.

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