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Sunday, February 26, 2023

February is about to close Again. Spring is about to Spring!

February is about to close and Spring is about to SPRING! Are you ready for the changes? You may have less time for genealogy or More. Winter for many mneans more time indoors seeking answers to the clues we hold. So so wish others held the other half of some of my clues. Great Uncle Claude Foulk had a book done on his ancestry. Alas he did not like what it told him. Great Aunt told me he fumed and fumed and was truly upset and tore the book up. Saying the book could not be true. Alas he had not listened to his MOM or he may have felt different. She was whom clued me into the comments that upset him. At one time, all of my Dad's siblings had a paper written by Great Grandma about her family tree. I seen my Aunt Bethel's and Dad said he had one also at one time. Fear his went when home nearly burned and house was emptied. Did not see Uncle's when home emptied but he moved many many times via service USN. Uncle's neice may have gotten his for she was doing research. Ironic when I was digging I had forgotten about that story, Aunt Bethel could recall and tell it well. Having asked her children if they have the letter by Margaret Mae Eastman Foulk? So far a negative answer has responded. Fortunately she stayed with us several times over the years and so I heard it often when we talkd about family and filled in many blanks. No idea why I never asked her about her husband. I loved him dearly and yet I know very little about his family tree. What I was told is not what is needed to build his tree. He was in the USArmy during WW2 as was his brother in law Joe Collins USArmy and his brother in law of his sister Gerald Oliver Jones. Back to story GUncle Claude burnt the book in the fireplace it was over 200 pages Auntie told me. The topic that upset him was learning he had Indian heritage. Documented. No idea if another copy is anywhere or who the well known Researcher was that did the book. He woudl not divulge that data. That is the Indian I forgot to look for. Now that I think I have found him I no longer have the other information. Alas. Yes I forgave him and we had a long chat about our heritage since we also had some German and other lineages in our tree. So we can not decide for them who lived it, verses our some times twisted thoughts. Grandma taught me and other members of family many things she was trained to know. Plants to use, when to do various planting, what plants grew when and why and what used for. Medicines & food and to make clothing. SusiCP1@gmail.com

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