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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

DNA Presentation 1 Aug Lemon Grove Library 6 pm

DNA Presentation

Wednesday evening we will be adding more information to our limited learned DNA knowledge.
Hoping you all have read some of the previously posted links. Maybe even googling to see what you can learn on your own about DNA.

I will have exciting news to share Wednesday.

Having been scouting about for more information to assist all the ethnicities I am posting more urls here for you all to absorb.

Blog | Irish Origenes: Use Family Tree DNA to Discover Your Genetic Origins | Clans of Ireland | Irish Surnames Map

 Lots of great information here on the history and genetics of the today Irish people's past. Also surnames, maps, explanation of which area holds these surnames.   It makes me want to book a trip to Ireland.

A cousin shared this link with me covering a lot of Germanic and Prussian information. Not so much genetics but wanted to share this.

Researching German Ancestors - Guide to German Genealogy

 It does have a great link to the origins of many ethnic names though.
name origins - About.com : Genealogy

German Surname Meanings & Origins - Last Names From Germany - Top 50 German Surnames

And my favorite of these groups is this one. It will take hours or days for you to absorb all the knowledge posted here for Genetics, DNA and & Health History.

Genetic Genealogy - Health Histories & DNA Family Trees

We will hope to cover some of this links Wednesday evening.

See you at 6 P M 8073 Broadway, Lemon Grove, Ca 91945  In the shopping mall behind Ann's Rest.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Learning About DNA

Learning About DNA

This blog will talk about DNA and what it may do for your research.  It will be in small doses and we will be looking at other peoples information already out there. No sense in duplicating the wheel but want to help you to learn more about what it can do for your research potentially.

Bloggers generally also like to have more people read the blog and follow them and this will expose you to other genealogy bloggers.

First we have a definition.

This is my easy to understand one that can be found on this page listed below:

DNA definition states that it is a nucleic acid which contains genetic information about human body. DNA basically has its function to store information about your body.

DNA definition states that it is a nucleic acid which contains genetic information about human body. DNA basically has its function to store information about your body.

So DNA is basically a printout of human body. To understand genetic structure of any body you study its DNA forma. As DNA organization for everybody is different. This means that no two bodies can have same DNA formatting. This helps to make easy distinction between two bodies on the basis of their DNA structure.
Dna Definition source

As genealogists whom may have a few brick walls or un answered questions regarding their genetic features: color of hair, eyes, why we have a bent toe, or a crooked finger, two colored eyes, long fingers, short arms etc, high cheek bones, coarse hair, etc.

More they want to know who that missing person was and where were they from. Was it Ireland, Egypt, Jordan, Africa, England or Scotland?  What DNA has helped to teach us is that it could be all of those things in sequencing order. It is far more sophisticated today than ten years ago.

Bryan Sykes wrote a book: "The Seven Daughters of Eve."  If you want to learn about DNA in simple form this book was an excellent read. He recently released a new one I have yet to read.

My friend writes this blog about DNA and she also  works on many other projects. She also works on the Lost Colony project which uses DNA to find links to the Lost Colonists potentially.

DNA Explain: Making Sense of Ancestry

Some information that Bill Dollarhide gave us regarding the settling of the south east area of the United States, is reiterated on this blog you may find it very interesting. Mr. Dollarhide stated that the Scots settled the majority of the south east very early, which I found true just in my own lines.

Native Heritage Project | Documenting the Ancestors

And this is another one for you to read and learn more information.

DNA Testing for Genealogy – Getting Started, Part One

Your Genetic Genealogist  Genealogy blogger CeCe Moore. She is a professional Genetic Genealogist.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Meeting at Library 6 to 8 pm Wed Discussion on JSTOR etc.

Wednesday evening we will have a discussion on JSTOR and other like search capabilities.

One may have to go to a University or College to get information or you may be able to access from home with your old college  I D.

Some one said that you can access some data with out an I D.  I hope to know more before the evening chat.  Needing to refresh from my notes from past talk.

JSTOR searches, magazines, pamphlets and journals for information.  Maybe your ancestor was a Dr and you want data on him or maybe he was a Lawyer or a Judge.

One can never tell what one may find when researching in our past.

Knowing that my ancestor Henry Huffman (Hoffman after 1860's) listed himself as a farmer.
He was anything but a farmer. He  build many bridges, churches, schools and homes plus he build the first free standing spiral stairway and I have the newspaper clipping that describes the house and stairs.

Here are some interesting links you may want to share.


genealogy book links




See you at the  library in Lemon Grove. Ca   Back in the corner of the shopping center opposite Anna's. It is across the street from St. John's Catholic Church.  6 pm.

Next I will be posting links on DNA and sites for you to read up on for the next class 1 August.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Trip Planning and Taking LAW with You.

Having just read an interesting post , sharing the information with you.  Since posting what to do to have a good research trip this tidbit needs added. Which actually made me think of a couple more things to add.

It seems when doing research that some places are creating themselves trouble not needed.  I will post the links to  the story and you can decide for yourself.  But bringing the LAW with you in your material sounds like a great thing to me.

I am sure each state may have a different twist on what you may or may not use or may or may not copy.
This is from the Dailygazette.com  Schenectady, NY.  It is copyrighted so you must go there to read.
 MONTGOMERY COUNTY : Historic map tells tale of destruction

This is the ruling on what you may or  may not have made available to you for access to copy.
The Committee on Open Government

I concur that there needs to be a better way to resolve this issue. They should salvage those records before further damage occurs. This is not the only basement in New York or other places that have never brought out the real stuff due to lack of time or help or cooperation.

When it happened in West Virginia, fortunately the Government stepped up to the plate and saved thousands of documents the County Clerk was tossing out for lack of space and did not like genealogists.  This was about 5 to 7years ago.

Whether being tossed or just setting there molding, the damage is happening.

Why can not these counties have the historical or genealogical groups come in and help them get them preserved?  Can not the Historical and Genealogical Groups offer to help salvage this and free up the clerks time?  A great Eagle Scout project.  A School project for credit helping the community, it seems that to ignore it due to lack of time and help does not solve anything.

So if your about to dig  in New York or another state you may want to follow MAR SHANNON's thoughts and contact the state officials asking where to find decisions regarding record access and cameras. Make copies of those decisions so you have back up.  Mar Shannon's comments were on Facebook, under the New England Genealogical Historical Society group.

I also think that there should be a nominal fee charged for seeing the documents, to go towards preservation of them.

Again Berks Co. Pennsylvania, stepped to the plate years ago and much of what people ask for are available to the people on line and it was a win, win situation.

So Clerks, and Schools and Historical and Genealogical Societies please tackle this situation and find
a positive answer for the documents and researchers both. Please.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Discover Europe Information to Share

First the Permission to post. From Diane L Richard, Editor of  Upfront with NGS

 Definitely do!

Thanks for asking!

Diane :-)

Diane L. Richard
Editor, Upfront with NGS

-----Original Message-----
From: susi c pentico [mailto:SusiCP@cox.net] 
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 3:19 PM
To: UpFront with NGS
Subject: Re: UpFront with NGS

I would like to put this on my blog for my students who attend class in
Lemon Grove. Please.  

Susi Pentico
Educational Chairperson
Chula Vista Genealogical Society

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Europe – so many of ancestors came from there and yet beyond a world history class or two, we probably don’t know that much about our European ancestral lands!  Well, I recently stumbled across two large online collections of material about Europe which are linked to one another.

Designed to meet the needs of the research community worldwide, our online portal offers quick and easy access to the collections of the 48 National Libraries of Europe and leading European Research Libraries.

Users can cross-search and reuse over 9,550,610 digital items and 103,420,869 bibliographic records.

To facilitate further research, links are also provided to other websites in the Europeana group

Europeana is a single access point to millions of books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitised throughout Europe. It is an authoritative source of information coming from European cultural and scientific institutions.
Europeana gives quick and easy access to: over 23 million objects from more than 2200 institutions from 33 countries.

I spent two weeks in Sevilla Spain earlier this year and so was curious to see what came up for this historic city – almost 10,000 hits on Europeana and almost 103,000 on the The European Library site!  Kind of makes me glad I walked the city and saw so much that way!

So, if you are doing any research into Europe or just want to “virtually” travel there from the comfort of your couch, these are a great resources to do so.  

copyright © National Genealogical Society, 3108 Columbia Pike, Suite 300, Arlington, Virginia 22204-4370. http://www.ngsgenealogy.org.
Republication of UpFront articles is permitted and encouraged for non-commercial purposes without express permission from NGS. Please drop us a note telling us where and when you are using the article. Express written permission is required if you wish to republish UpFront articles for commercial purposes. You may send a request for express written permission to UpFront@ngsgenealogy.org. All republished articles may not be edited or reworded and must contain the copyright statement found at the bottom of each UpFront article.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Conferences, Are They Worth It?

Conferences Are They Worth It?

 A genealogy blogging buddy brought up what I had been mulling for days. Thanks Marian.

 The answer is multi, at least in my eyes.

 Right now I am twixt with NGS in Las Vegas.  The last NGS I went to was in San Diego in the mid 1990's. My Dad died the second day so I did not get to attend more. I had so much picked out to do. It
 was not to be.

God always knows what the right answer is.  So Las Vegas is close and I want to go then I find what the topic is and it I am not sure it  is of much help to me.  The previous picked one was when they
(genealogical groups combined and canceled that year), I was ready to go to that one, all the right things to help me.

So yes Marian, one must weigh the cost and the knowledge to be received with the data  to be gained or needed.

All my research is East Coast or Iowa, Kansas, Illinois area. I met almost all the Wyoming relatives and know most all of their down line kin.  Fortunately I have met a good share of Iowa, Illinois kin at Reunions.  At least those whom are willing to share or can travel.

 Love the family.  It is a mix of sharing or definitely not sharing which makes it a bigger challenge and I seem to thrive on them.  They can be great friends with out sharing personal data and yet  somehow some of it gets passed around.  I totally understand some of their reserve.

 So is it worth it to go?
1. Does it cover the type of knowledge you need to bone up on and learn more about?
2. Is it financially within reason in comparison to a vacation?
3. Then break it down to does it cover enough of the type information you need or just a smattering of assistance?
4. Is it's length the right amount of days for information or to short or to long?
5. I enjoy a Conference if it is, topic to me, friendly, cost effective and length appropriate.

I would be hard pressed to do a Conference that would cost me more than $500. because I have family in Michigan I would rather spend time with and think it more important unless the event gives  me a good dose of the information I am needing.

Thinking a trip to a Conference on the East Coast or Ohio, (sure wish I had attended their last one), would be beneficial.  But it would incur a need to find a genealogy buddy to stay with if I had to dig out airfare and costs running into the  $1,000 bracket.

Definitely feel one should go to the local ones or regional ones in your area before you wander out to a long way off one and incur major expenses.

I will say I love the friendliness of the genealogists and vendors whom are almost all genealogists also.
I have learned things I did not plan and think that is Divine Intervention.  Seems it is needed soon after I learn it.  The sharing and caring make it a plus especially for those whom are first starting.

Since I was the co partner of a month of speakers (on line) regarding Genealogy, for the month of October the year the President declared it Family History month. I think we could some times do more on line and everyone stay home and save tons of money.  We had a packed house every night and we had at times on Friday and Saturday and Sunday duel speakers.  Or two class events you could attend.
Yes, we had world class speakers some of whom we see today at local and regional Conferences.

The new Google feature with the HangOut rooms would be awesome if they would cover 20  people instead of ten.  I thought we would be away from major Conferences out of area wise but a couple a year, with the new technology of today but I did not see that happen.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Declaration of Independence shared by another genealogist.

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men
who signed the Declaration of Independence ?

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors,
and tortured before they died.

Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.
Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army;
another had two sons captured.

Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or
hardships of the Revolutionary War.

They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes,
and their sacred honor.

What kind of men were they?

Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists.
Eleven were merchants,
nine were farmers and large plantation owners;
men of means, well educated,
but they signed the Declaration of Independence
knowing full well that the penalty would be death if
they were captured.
Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and
trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the
British Navy. He sold his home and properties to
pay his debts, and died in rags.

Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British
that he was forced to move his family almost constantly.
He served in the Congress without pay, and his family
was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him,
and poverty was his reward.

Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer,
Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.

At the battle of Yorktown , Thomas Nelson, Jr., noted that
the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson
home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General
George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed,
and Nelson died bankrupt.

Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed.
The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying.
Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill
were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests
and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his
children vanished.
So, take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July holiday and
silently thank these patriots. It's not much to ask for the price they paid.

Remember: freedom is never free!

I hope you will show your support by sending this to as many
people as you can, please. It's time we get the word out that patriotism
is NOT a sin, and the Fourth of July has more to it than beer,
picnics, and baseball games.
A humble history lesson for all of us!