Conferences Are They Worth It?
A genealogy blogging buddy brought up what I had been mulling for days. Thanks Marian.
The answer is multi, at least in my eyes.
Right now I am twixt with NGS in Las Vegas. The last NGS I went to was in San Diego in the mid 1990's. My Dad died the second day so I did not get to attend more. I had so much picked out to do. It
was not to be.
God always knows what the right answer is. So Las Vegas is close and I want to go then I find what the topic is and it I am not sure it is of much help to me. The previous picked one was when they
(genealogical groups combined and canceled that year), I was ready to go to that one, all the right things to help me.
So yes Marian, one must weigh the cost and the knowledge to be received with the data to be gained or needed.
All my research is East Coast or Iowa, Kansas, Illinois area. I met almost all the Wyoming relatives and know most all of their down line kin. Fortunately I have met a good share of Iowa, Illinois kin at Reunions. At least those whom are willing to share or can travel.
Love the family. It is a mix of sharing or definitely not sharing which makes it a bigger challenge and I seem to thrive on them. They can be great friends with out sharing personal data and yet somehow some of it gets passed around. I totally understand some of their reserve.
So is it worth it to go?
1. Does it cover the type of knowledge you need to bone up on and learn more about?
2. Is it financially within reason in comparison to a vacation?
3. Then break it down to does it cover enough of the type information you need or just a smattering of assistance?
4. Is it's length the right amount of days for information or to short or to long?
5. I enjoy a Conference if it is, topic to me, friendly, cost effective and length appropriate.
I would be hard pressed to do a Conference that would cost me more than $500. because I have family in Michigan I would rather spend time with and think it more important unless the event gives me a good dose of the information I am needing.
Thinking a trip to a Conference on the East Coast or Ohio, (sure wish I had attended their last one), would be beneficial. But it would incur a need to find a genealogy buddy to stay with if I had to dig out airfare and costs running into the $1,000 bracket.
Definitely feel one should go to the local ones or regional ones in your area before you wander out to a long way off one and incur major expenses.
I will say I love the friendliness of the genealogists and vendors whom are almost all genealogists also.
I have learned things I did not plan and think that is Divine Intervention. Seems it is needed soon after I learn it. The sharing and caring make it a plus especially for those whom are first starting.
Since I was the co partner of a month of speakers (on line) regarding Genealogy, for the month of October the year the President declared it Family History month. I think we could some times do more on line and everyone stay home and save tons of money. We had a packed house every night and we had at times on Friday and Saturday and Sunday duel speakers. Or two class events you could attend.
Yes, we had world class speakers some of whom we see today at local and regional Conferences.
The new Google feature with the HangOut rooms would be awesome if they would cover 20 people instead of ten. I thought we would be away from major Conferences out of area wise but a couple a year, with the new technology of today but I did not see that happen.