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Sunday, December 2, 2018

GedCom and DNA Painting by Tim and Bethel Williams


GEDCOM, GEDMATCH and DNA PAINTING was a success in many ways.  We will do it again, Lesson learned, only 3 or 4 on computer at a time to upload to GEDMATCH since with everyone on line, people were constantly being booted off. There by having to start over. Ken Robison figured it out and then things moved smoother.  

We had 20 in attendance, guests, and other society guests too. We are open to all to come to the classes done the first Saturday of every month. 1 to 4 pm
Some had already uploaded their tree to the GED MATCH site.

Trouble mastering that the GedCom was actually your tree so the data would be there for the making of matches. ( Made me feel better since some times I get lost too),

My first GedCom was in 1996 and it turned out such gibberish I hand wrote out the tree for my Foulk Cousins in Iowa.  IT did not know how to handle when one name carried two of your lines. 
We chuckled on the phone about the crazy results they received.  My files have many of those in my lines in my tree. 

After we semi mastered the GedCom process, Tim Williams brought about the information for DNA Painting.  The GedCom was your tree that you were going to find matches with in the GedMatch Program.
Many more questions floated in the air. Everyone was learning and confused and finally figured out the concept at least.

Being amazed it can actually take certain lineages and tell you of which group you come from and from where. 
Ancient History is very helpful here.  

For myself DNA Painting helped me to grasp the various groups and the compatibilty or not. As I was fielding those who raised their hands for help
I missed some of Tim's information. 

Tim gave an excellent hand out to help work through the process. I have had it uploaded to our web page and sent to all those whom signed up for the class ahead of time.
Randy Seaver thank  you.  

As soon as date is confirmed for a follow up you will all be notified.  

A side note is that the painting can discover your missing? Indian heritage at times.  it can even mention regions and as to the groups beginnings.
Tim used Pocahontas  as an example, suspect he knew three in attendance descend from her.  

Tim shared many charts and much data to assist those in attendance.   7 pages  w charts,  descriptions etc.

We lasted the full time for this event.  We did do a 10 minute break for stretching and refreshments. 

 Next event will be 5 January. Please bring the same as this time. Same Place.
 Sorry I got the process initially not mentioned correctly.

 Wanting to learn if my Abenaki is from where I suspect. 

Cindy T you were so missed for writing up a report. Enjoy your days away.


  1. You mean GEDmatch right, not GEDCOM? You have to upload your raw DNA data from a testing company to GEDmatch to get DNA matches from other GEDmatch users. You can also upload a GEDCOM (family tree, not DNA) to help users find common ancestors with you.

    Was uploading the GEDCOM covered?

  2. Randy yes I corrected the statements. WE used a GedCom to upload our trees to the GedMatch program for the potential of finding connections. Many had trouble understanding the tree you uploaded was a GedCom needed to do the matching with. Thanks
