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Monday, October 10, 2022

October Bonita Sunnyside Library Event is On.

Our next meeting 18 October at 1 - 3 pm . Bonita-Sunnyside Library Auditorium. This meeting is open to all interested in doing Genealogy. We will be covering more Genealogical ?'s that were asked last meeting. Planning on bringing maps and books etc to assist in your research. Also will be asking about what you like about this event or what you would like more of. Was asked a question at end of last meeting, Love Questions, What if you are not looking for the earliest records but in between.???? The answer is the same method applies as what we have discussed. I will go over it briefly this time again to help you. Sharing a knowledge I found this last month. Frederick, Maryland in Pre western Pennsylvania time period has many of those whom went westward to that section of the Country. Also many were from Virginia. The early settlers were not afraid to travel and change scenery if they did not care for or like what one area offered they generally found another that did fit their dreams or hopes. If you can locate George K Schweitzer, Ph.D. , Sc., D books for any state You will be thrilled with the results. Bill Dollarhide has a new book coming out for migrations routes and paths. Shirley Becker brought his last book to our last meeting and it was passed around for them to see what it had in it. Dr Sschweitzer used to say if not there draw a circle so many miles out and look in those areas and expand accordingly until you find them. Yes, some went back from whence they came others moved up down or forward in reaching a better life. Remember also there were minimal boundaries the farther west you went or south or north. Of course Canada was north if you went that far. He said many good tips for us to use. Like go down the river than over the mountain at times, or up it to have easier access to where they were going. I have found county names changed, boundaries changed drastically in some places and little in others. Which also brings up how the names changed too. Come join us for some fun and learning.

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