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Monday, September 19, 2022

How many Books to Bring for Researchers.?

Since refiling books and downsizing and adjusting, wondering how many books to bring to our meeting. Seems many only look at what is online and easy to see but many older books hold data you are looking for. They even can describe the lay of the land and the development of the region not on line. Many places tend to minimize data that is what is needed to have a good base for your tree. Kentucky Ancestry. A guide to Gnealogical and Historical Research. by Roeeann Reinemuth Hogan, Ph.D A very well put together book. It may not have latest topic but if you are searching backwards to the 1700 and 1800's it worth its weight in research. Also for Kentucky Research you will need to look at VA research or WVA research of today possibly. Remembering VA covered to the Mississippi River and Canada and quite a bit south in some regions. Having Scott surname in southern VA, the children scattered south to North Carolina, some to west and up to Kentucky to Iowa and other places besides staying in that region. I only looked at KY to amazement a cousin let me know about the going south adventure. Even more fun famiy came into northern Territory of USA and migrated over to Illinois. Suspect siblings got separated and not sure if they (then) found each other but family has now. Mom used to say they had to walk or ride animal so never went far. OOO but we both learned not true. It was after the war he decided to come weet from Greene Co. PA. Her Grandfther as a young teen walked behind the covered wagon herding the cows etc. His younger siblings kept track of the chickens along with a dog. His father was in the CW from PA but entered war as a West Virginia recruit because Greene Co. PA lists were full. He was not the only one from Greene Co. to entire the West Virginia unit. After the war Franklin and siblings came west to Iowa. He as an adult went to Wyoming after some of his children kept moving west. Many still live in Iowa to this day. So do I bring lots of books or just a few. VA was the center of the development of this region. Would rather do a seminar but o well.Hope many come to learn and enjoy what they find. Bonita Sunnyside Library, 1 to 3 pm in large auditorium Bonita, CA 4375 Bonita Rd. Bonita, CA 91902 Susi Pentico Educational Chairperson SusiCP1@gmail.com

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