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Monday, July 1, 2024

Today A Thought I Need to Share.. TRAVEL

 Today A Thought I Need to Share.  TRAVEL 

 Recently I have been getting all these neat travel vouchers,  tossing them out since I can not afford them.

 Suddenly realizing that their maps are great for Researchers.   Having a United States map is great.

 But when looking for various countries in Europe and Asia and elsewhere, that is another story.  

 As family was discussing what might be a good trip and what places Fred has been and Ed, Alan 

 also Don, I realized that some of those places I had no clue what their border countries were.

 So if you get a Viking pamphlet look at it differently. The Rivers it shows and the boundaries that

 they flow through to interconnect people.  Yes, way back then it was: foot, animal or boat to move

 about.  Many countries have changed sizes and shapes and names. 

 There is much historical information given on the places, and events that took place there. A 

  treasure trove of knowledge to share with us to learn more about our past, our country and 

  our world.  Thank you Viking for the gift of knowledge you are sharing with us.

July 1, 2024 Another Day has Gone, Gone, Gone.

 Greetings to all,

  Cleaning files,  is lots of fun.  We forget so much until you start to go back through old papers.

Genealogical Speaking  one must decide what is worth keeping, what is not. 

There in falls the quiz.  He wants this, She wants that, Someone else wants something

even more different. Alas one wants NONE


Been Reading a lot about writing data for time and what should be there and what is not needed.

 It is like we need two sets of files.  Maybe write one basic genealogical with out the things I find critical 

to create in the file. Feeling that medical background is vital and may safe a future family member. 

Thankfully someone did that for me on one side of family. It saved our first born,.  To me that is vital.

Today with DNA out there and Doctors using it to resolve problems and solve issues I think some of that is so very key.  Others say O O NO NO  that is private. So a grandchild dies or an Uncle has serious side affects because others did not share it had happened to others.   I can not use Aspirin it cause me a heart attack. Many on Mom's side had same issues. Thankfully Mom talked to them to learn why, after the Aspirin she felt so much worse thought she was dying.   Those are personal experiences we have had.

Milk allergies abound in both sides of the house.  Not everyone has them but not everyone escaped them either.   Where do you draw the line? Some learn you can have in moderation others learn there is no moderation.  This applies to foods, chemicals, colognes etc. 

I am thinking of a basic  birth, marriage, death  Insert and then family data after that. By using both past family if known and down to youngest known.

Having a letter my GGGrandmom wrote talking about how she kept a canary in her house, The house guest was appalled. Then she was told that if the bird keels over they know there is bad air in the home and to get out,.  She came from many family members that worked coal mines.    See there is so much to say.

 As I am not doing classes now I wonder it this topic has been addressed and did the group get an understanding of the situation.  After all we are all humans of this place called earth there by we are Earthlings.  Who knows what we know that will help someone else.

Knowing some of this helped me to gain new cousins that we could not at the time proof. Today we have DNA but 30 years ago we did not.  Genealogy is changing but it has not changed, basics are same, names, places, dates are the same. We just seem to have a bigger data base to pull our past from more accurately.

Remembering that not all were well documented. Those in power were threatened by the unknown and 

refused to catalogue or put on census etc.  It seems to have been happening since the beginning of time.

More to come.   

By Susan Jones Pentico

Friday, June 21, 2024


  FATHER'S DAY  16 JUNE 2024

      Yes, it is Father's Day for Fred Edward Pentico born in Iowa. He graduated HS and joined the Navy.

  After a few stationed places he met his wife in Sunnyvale, CA area being stationed at Moffitt Field,.

  We dated and we married and he went over seas returning 19 months later.  Or close to that time limit.

   When he returned he was excited to see his wife and son.  The son had survived a serious medical

   shortly before Fred was to return home.  God was good because he was bringing a plane back to the

  States to be serviced so he saw his son in early winter of that fall 1960. Two days later ,son was in 

  hospital unknown if would survive.  Dr's medical treatment worked. Son  also is a Father this 

  Father's Day of three, a boy and 2 girls. All College Graduates in various topics.

  Fred had 4 more living children.  2nd son born in Hanford, CA .  He was a Life Scout, his older brother

  was an Eagle Scout. He joined the USN and has married and has four children, all boys. Now old enough

  to have their own children, alas not to be at this point.  They live out of state.  Oldest boy is here. 

  His oldest is married. 

  Third child was born here in San Diego, at Balboa Naval Hospital, while DAD was overseas 

  dealing with the Vietnam Conflict. She is very active young lady.   She rolled over at less than 

  a month and has not stopped since.  she excelled in school and  also in potential future adventure.

  She was accepted by an accomplished Design School in Paris but turned it down after graduation.

  When we went to her last appointment with the college. She had designed her clothes and I had 

  her sew them herself.  She work them to the interview, which in 100 years no one had ever done.

  They gave her a fully paid program but had to live in France for the event.  Not being away from home

  she did not accept after much long thinking. The croquets she designed were that years Olympic clothes.

 She married and over time had 2 boys. They are married with  1 boy and 2 girls between their marriages.

 This youngsters are still in school being third generation .  1 Learning a Steel Guitar and other things and 

 the older girl is into Basketball, Cheerleading and awesome grades, younger girl is getting ready for 

 school and loves lots of things to do.  Very Terrific. 

 Next child has lived at home after graduation and moved away  and came back.  Her child and her

 have been exposed to the world and learned many things .  She was an Office Manager for several years 

 after giving up Accounting.  She lost her best friend in a serious death, friends child also.  It was

 very hard on us all.  The little one had just started walking days before it happened.   She finally changed 

 jobs and is working in a different field now.  She likes challenges.  She is always busy with activities with 

friends or family.   She stays close to her family members. Her son lives with us and has made us proud of 

all his accomplishments also, Very proud of all the children and grandchildren and great grandchildren .

Last  child of Fred was a boy. His health like first born was terrifying for a few weeks. Dad having to 

catch a boat and go west again.  His Mother in law stayed and helped until Balboa had  handle on his 

health issues.   Or so they thought, he did finally get on a new type of formula and has done awesome.

Graduated from college , married and helped his wife's family through some major traumas. 

He has held some really interesting positions in his work life meeting many interesting people and

traveling a lot.  They did not have children.    He and oldest brother did competition Roller Skating

bringing in many trophies and meeting people from all over USA .  Going to Nationals in Nebraska

for Figure and Dance.    Girls tried it but wasn't for them.  Middle boy had joined the Navy so 

he missed that part of their lives.

Fred and I, are Very proud of all the children and grandchildren and great grandchildren .

Joined in Des Moines, Iowa Nov 1954. He does not remember the day.

Retired on 14 Feb 1978,  USNavy 32nd St.  San Diego, CA 

Friday, March 15, 2024

Blessed Holy Easter to All

 Blessed Holy Easter to All,

Whether you are a believer or not I wish God to bless you and to help us make our Country the

USA a strong warm caring country again.    

Having been reeling for weeks over the crazy things happening, being seen and actually done in this


Why did our Educators take away our American History Classes? How did they expect them to learn

what the country was founded on and why we have been successful until more recently.

Learning voting is down and they / we do not even know what the voting is doing or how it is

done and why did it become like this.  Who would want to cheat our country of. our God given 

rights. ?  It seems many do and probably do not know they are evening doing that. 

There was a time that no matter who ran, they had the country at heart not their pocket or their own 

goals or someone else who has coerced them.  

Side bar is I am walking more, praying more, contemplating more and thankfully sleeping better.

I wish you all the same great future  if we can  go back to caring for each other, smiling to each other, 

a hug once in a while and helping a stranger no strings attached.

Reading about families passed, many did these and in the end most times it made us a better 

community and country.   Sometimes I just want to say SMILE, we could be like the 

Ukraine, Russia, Congo and many other places so out of whack.

We can go to the grocery store, maybe not buy what we would like but the store is there.

We can go to church if we desire or at least follow on TV otherwise if you have TV.

Any idea how many do not have TV or Radio or phones etc.  ?

Here many buy clothes via the season in many places the clothes they own are what the 

wear for many seasons. 

Blessings to everyone for we are true earthlings schools missed teaching us much so we 

would meld better over the years.  O not just schools but parents, cousins, aunts, uncles and 

neighbors are needed to step up and wake up to the needs our world needs via our youth.

Friday, January 12, 2024

2024 January Has Arrived. A Found book about our Huffman's was a surprise.

 January 2024 is here.  The wind has blown and the air has changed. WOW it is cold, windy and 

we had a bit of rain. We have gotten 1/2 inch since 1 January, this year.  

Talked to siblings and family and many are in very cold frigid places. Some will be more frigid 

in the next couple of days.  Brother has gotten a wee bit of snow but very bitter wind environment.

Aunt has much same and much colder than brother, Cousin lives near her thankfully.  

Son has gotten drift of snow to almost cover grass but is due a snow dump tonite.  Family in Des Moines

 IA area have been hit hard.  Family everywhere is feeling the affect of this storm.

 We pray this does not affect your own family as you are reading this. It is going to be a mess 

 at the Football Games. 

  Hoping everyone stays safe and has a great start to this new year. 

  Hope you gained ground on some of your Genealogy in the last year.  DNA additions can 

  muddle or excite your quest.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

God is Good, Nov 4, 2023

 Hurray, Every one made it through the day.  Thank You God.  Sis, DIL, Bro, Dear Friend,  Future family member and all others in need.  I think we are being told to re think and re do and do more for others.  

It surely does not hurt to be more caring and sensitive to other needs. It is nice to see some of our political staff are firm believers in God and having Faith. It may be what pulls us through this mess the world in now.

Today I found some papers that are so great to read.  I am triple blessed.  Having moved things so much due to family intake and outtake I had misremembered where they were.   Jones data that we so truly need.  

Knowing I had communicated with them for about five years before they passed, wasn't sure I could ever replicate the data, without lots of more digging.

Now for the weather to have more moisture so this sinus drag goes away. Fires die out and air is more clear.   

If time in life permits I may try to track down the GIBSON line that we have that is only 3 Gens back,

Think it would be cool if Miss Gibson our teacher at Tomales HI  was a distant cousin and her sister .

Now the next big thing is to find how come this is no longer a secure site. What has changed and by whom.????

Gibson in VA and WVA and OH and over to IA and MO. More to come soon. 

Blessings to all.

Monday, October 30, 2023

A Tale to Tell. Genealogy is Fun.

  Greeting, genealogy can be fun and educational and exciting.  Some times you learn you descend from a well known person and sometimes a poster wanted person.  

   What I would love to see is genealogy in schools, teaching them we are all human beings with good points and not so good points.   

    We only inherit a small piece of so many in our background.  Thinking if as students, we learn we are not so different, we may not want to work against each other but work together to see how much further we can go, do, and excel in life.

    Our world gets smaller every day in so many ways.  So thankful for the friends and acquaintances we have developed.

     Youth need help understanding, if you stop and smell a rose, your life my garner more riches than you ever thought possible. Helping others comes with large  rewards, sooner or later, generally when not expected.